Coming into New Life House I was faced with a difficult decision. I had to determine if this was really the way of life I wanted. Throughout my using, my family was the ones who wanted me to be sober not me. It took me actually going through the tough times and getting to the house to see that my life was a wreck. I was even in denial to the fact that my life was unmanageable until a couple of months ago. Through talking to the guys in the house and reflecting on the wreckage in my life, I saw that I had two options; death or buying into a sober life-style. I chose sobriety.
In the time that I have been at New Life there has been numerous difficulties I have had to face. At about four months of being here I was going through a tough time. I wasn’t willing to buy into sobriety and had been faking my way through the house and it caught up to me. I broke down, and couldn’t do it anymore. The lying and manipulating did a toll on me. It was time for something different. I got involved and kept an open mind to what people had to say. This was the drastic change of thinking that made me jump into this way of life, and from there things started to get better. Granted there were still tough times and areas in my life where I fell short but it comes with the territory. Now having some time I look back on my time in the house and see how fortunate I really am to have stuck around and be offered a chance to get my life back.
-Patrick M.
Miracle House- Sober Living in Los Angeles, Clarity House- Sober Living for Women, New Life House- Sober Living for Young Adults in Los Angeles , Reality House- Sober Living for Young Adults in Los Angeles, Alcoholism, Addiction, Substance Abuse, 12-steps, Los Angeles sober living, treatment center, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous
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