Friday, January 14, 2011

Drug court receives state award

Supporting article- Drug court receives state award
By Troy Krause, Editor
Posted Jan 13, 2011 @ 12:57 PM
“For the past few years, the Fifth Judicial District in Minnesota, which represents 15 southwestern and south central counties, has been practicing what is known as drug court…”
What great news!  Recognizing that addiction/alcoholism is not a simple as black and white and the appropriate treatment isn’t always- jail, has proven to be a fairly effective approach at the Fifth Judicial District in Minnesota.
“The program is not for everyone, and those who do participate still have the threat of prison time hanging over their heads if they do not successfully complete the program.”…

In fact, 75 percent of those drug court graduates remain arrest free at least two years after leaving the program nationwide.
Drug courts are also a program that can and does save money. A study showed for every dollar spent in drug court $3.36 was saved in avoid criminal justice costs alone.
When all factors are added in drug court can save anywhere from $4,000 to $12,000 per client.
Programs are also bringing in funds, as federal grants have been presented to the fifth judicial district to help cover the costs of running programs.
In the end, the drug court system appears to be making the kind of difference the public hopes for in the criminal justice system.”

The drug program is 18-24 months long!  (What is it about long term treatment which just seems to add more support in recovery?  The trick to getting long term sobriety!
Minnesota isn’t the only state with a drug court.  The success of these programs give drug and alcohol offenders a second chance at healthy living while offering rehabilitation as well as accountability.  Talk about what an addict/alcoholic needs!
A crime is a crime and one committing a crime needs to be accountable for his actions.  But what that consequence is doesn’t always address the core issue.  Hopefully more drug courts continue in their success of working with drug offenders and successful rehabilitation. 
-Avinash Satz

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