Friday, February 11, 2011

Our Common Goal - Submitted by James W.

I have found that in my recovery it has been very important to share my experience and communicate with other alcoholics on a daily basis. By doing this I am able to remember where I come from as well as help others out with similar things they may be going through in their life. It’s amazing that such a broad group of people can get together to share common problems and solutions with each other that we can all relate on. Being able to talk to people about fears, insecurities, andstruggles that I have and work through them, has given me the tools I need to pass along the message to the next person dealing with similar issues. There is nothing better than seeing someone else get through a difficulty  that they are dealing with and make it to the other side. I know that if I continue to share my experience with other alcoholics, there is a good chance that we can all stay sober. Just the other day I was talking to a guy that wasn’t sure if he wanted to be sober. I shared with him some of the things that I went through when I was newer in the program that were very similar to what he was dealing with. Such as, being fearful to change my life and move to a new place and not being able to use alcohol and drugs any longer to cover up my issues. It was through looking back at these feelings and seeing that I was in the exact same place as this guy at one time in my sobriety. The great thing about this moment was the fact that I could learn from him, he could learn from me, and we both stayed sober in the process.
- James W.

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